How the Imako cosmetic teeth work and how to apply them. Be sure to checkout our fitting instructions video below.
The front of the Imako Cosmetic Teeth looks like a set of perfect clip-on teeth and gums. It extends three teeth behind the canine teeth to provide complete coverage even when you smile. Available in two sizes and colors; bleached (left) and normal (right). Bleached matches B-1 on the dental scale, or the whitest color in people, and natural matches A-2, the most common color.
To select the best size for yourself, use the sizing photo profided. The photo will open as PDF file which you can print, showing the product at exact size. You can cut out the two sizes and “try them on”! Or measure the distance across your four front teeth and purchase the size with the closest measurement. If you are unable to open the file, download the free and very useful Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Trust the superior, minimalist design of Imako Cosmetic Teeth!
Shown from the back after being fitted. Once fitted you can snap the flexible device onto your teeth anytime without dental adhesives. By having the imprint of your teeth on the inside, they are able to grip because of matching surfaces. The front layer is flexible, while the fitting layer inside gives stiffness and strength. The fitting layer can be melted as many times as necessary to get the fit right.
This photo shows how the fitted clip-on teeth from Imako Cosmetic Teeth® actually clip onto your teeth. They add a very tiny bit to the overall size of your smile. Nothing interferes with your bite, which drives you crazy. Unlike a partial plate, no part of this device need be inside your arch.
Here is a set that has been fitted, shown upside down. You can see that Imako is amazingly thin, just 1 mm. This is the same thickness that is added to your teeth if you had porcelain overlays. By physical law, Imako will add dimension to the existing dental structure, providing the wearer with a broader smile and more pronounced overbite just like all the glamorous folks in Hollywood!
Imako is not a dental device and not therapeutic. Not recommended for eating or for braces.
Our customers can return used product within 30 days and receive a $20 refund. We keep $20 as a ‘restocking’ fee because we must dispose of contaminated product to protect public health. For more information see the Guarantee Page by clicking here.
The Imako cosmetic shell can handle almost any dental condition except buck teeth or an underbite. When you purchase Imako, you get a bit of extra fitting material in two colors: gum and white. You can use the extra fitting material provided to shore up areas where teeth are missing. You use the pink color to build up above the gum area at the top to strengthen the fit and smooth the transition between your gum and the device.
On the left is the Snap-On Smile® (starting at $1500) and on the right, the Imako Cosmetic Teeth® after being fitted. Note that you will be unable to close your bite while wearing the Snap-On Smile®, and this will make you speak with a lisp and could cause TMJ, a painful misalignment of the jaw.
Trust the superior, minimalist design of Imako Cosmetic Teeth® to deliver a comfortable and beautiful smile.
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